The driving distance between SLC, UT and Columbus, OH is 1,711 and takes approximately 1 day and three hours to drive (27 hours).
The driving distance from Columbus, Ohio to Salt Lake City, Utah is 1712 miles via I-80 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 24 hours and 18 minutes.
Around 100 miles north of Columbus, Ohio is the city of Cleveland, located on the shores of Lake Erie.
The distance between Salt Lake City UT and Phoenix AZ is about 658 road miles.
There are 798.89 miles between Salt Lake City, UT and Veneta, OR. This is equivalent to a distance of 1,285.7 km.
The mileage between Salt Lake City to Twin Falls is 217 miles.
The approximate driving distance between Lake City, Florida and Ashburn, Georgia is about 150 miles via I-75 N.
739 miles
739 miles
It is about 1,630 miles.
160 miles
683 miles
The distance between Salt Lake City and Moscow is 5548 miles (8928 km).
There are 1.151 nautical miles in a regular mile. By air, there are 1827 miles between Salt Lake City and Raleigh, which makes 1586 nautical miles.