430 miles taking this route:
There are about 383 miles between Columbus, Ohio and Hershey, Pennsylvania.
167 miles
Columbus, Ohio is farther from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania than from Indianapolis, Indiana. The distance between Columbus and Indianapolis is about 175 miles, while the distance between Columbus and Harrisburg is about 330 miles.
Depending on Island, Bay or Wildlife Refuge is should be about 400 miles.
It is Harrisburg,Pennsylvania. Indianapolis Indiana is only 176 miles from Columbus Ohio and Harrisburg Pennsylvania at 368 miles from Columbus, Ohio is almost 200 miles greater a distance (192 road miles).
It is Harrisburg,Pennsylvania. Indianapolis Indiana is only 176 miles from Columbus Ohio and Harrisburg Pennsylvania at 368 miles from Columbus, Ohio is almost 200 miles greater a distance (192 road miles).
The distance from Columbus, OH to Indianapolis, IN is 175.6 miles. From Columbus, OH to Harrisburg, PA is 368 miles. So, it is farther from Harrisburg.
400 miles
210 miles
as the crow flies: DISTANCE FROM CROWN POINT,IN,US TO COATESVILLE,PA,US 614 MI/ 988 KM road miles: 704.5 miles
It is 449 miles according to Google Maps.
The road distance between Columbus, Georgia, and New Castle, Pennsylvania, is approximately 740 miles. This distance may vary depending on the exact starting and ending locations within each city.