There are 4856.025 miles between Venezuela, South America and England.
There are about 538.205 miles between Guyana and Venezuela.
6550 miles
from where? from where?
3,757.72 miles
Air miles from Miami, Florida, to Maracaibo, Venezuela, total 1,178 miles. That is 1,896 kilometers or 1,024 nautical miles.
Venezuela - 353,841 sq mi (916,445 sq km).
The air distance from Charlevoix, Michigan, to Caracas, Venezuela, is 2,633 miles. That equals 4,238 kilometers or 2,288 nautical miles.
At around 4050 nautical miles, the flight time from the UK to Venezuela would be just shy of 10 hours.
1740 miles of coastline (2800 km)
The air distance from Caracas, Venezuela, to Denver, Colorado, is 3,083 miles. That equals 4,962 kilometers or 2,679 nautical miles.
1,414 miles, as the crow flies.