The distance between Perth and Fremantle in Western Australia is 11.37 miles if you travel via Stirling Hwy and the journey should take approximately 31 minutes.
About 3,777km / 2,350 miles (41 hours) using the Eyre Hwy.
The distance from Perth to Sydney is 2037 miles (3279 km).
There are about 9098.538 miles between Manchester and Perth.
The distance between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Perth, Australia as the crow flies, is 10,637 miles, or 17,118 kilometres.
1670 miles
The flight distance from Perth, Australia to Adelaide, Australia is 1,329 miles / 2,138 km
The air distance within Australia from Fremantle to Sydney, Australia is 2,054 miles. That equals 3,306 kilometers or 1,785 nautical miles.
The air distance from Perth, Australia, to Orlando, Florida, is 11,389 miles. That equals 18,328 kilometers or 9,896 nautical miles.
There is a distance of 9,208 miles between Vancouver Canada and Perth Australia. This is based the average flight distance.
The air distance between Hobart and Perth, Australia is 3020 km, or 1877 miles.
The air distance from Perth, Australia, to Jakarta, Indonesia, is 1,869 miles. That equals 3,008 kilometers or 1,624 nautical miles.
Cardiff in Wales and Perth in Australia are both on islands, so it is not possible to travel between them overland. They are over 9100 miles apart. Between Cardiff in New South Wales and Perth in Western Australia is about 2079 miles. That can be done overland. Also possible overland, between Perth in Scotland and Cardiff in Wales, is about 338 miles.