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Q: How many mcdonalds reatarants are in the state of Connecticut?
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How many states are in Connecticut?

There are no states in Connecticut because Connecticut itself is a state.

How many mcdonalds in each state?


How many governors has the state of Connecticut had?

Connecticut has had 102 governors since becoming a state (and 30 before that when a colony).

How many national congressman does Connecticut have?

In the US Congress (not the state legislature) Connecticut has two senators (as does every state) and five Congressmen (Representatives are apportioned by population-- Connecticut is a small state.)

What is the postal code for Connecticut?

Connecticut is a state and has many postal codes...

How many acres of cropland in Connecticut?

Connecticut covers an area totaling 3,547,520 acres.

What is the region of Connecticut?

The state of Connecticut is one of the fifty states of the United States of America and was the fifth state admitted into the union, as well as one of the first thirteen colonies that reached from the current Eastern United States to Georgia. Connecticut was admitted in 1756.

What food is Connecticut famous for?

Connecticut is known for many foods. They are most famous for the maple syrup that the state produces for the world.

How many senators in congress are from Connecticut?

There are two senators from each state.

How many states are there in Connecticut?

Connecticut is its own state, so one. It was divided into eight counties, but now these are largely non-functional.

How many counties are in Connecticut?

There are eight counties in the state of Connnecticut because it is small and it is New England state.

How many Mcdonalds restaurants are there per state?

the are 55 xo