i know how many people know Qatar more the three million people know Qatar. i know because i am from Qatar
How many hours of travel from Qatar to Hongkong
can you tell me how many hours the flight from san francisco to qatar
The population of Qatar was estimated last year as being about 1,650,000.
Qatar has total area of 11,571 square kilometers.
There are 9 triangles in the qatar flag
Qatar uses telephone country code +974. From the UK, dial 00 974, followed by the number in Qatar. Mobile numbers are 8 digits beginning with 3, 5, 6, or 7. Most landline numbers are 8 digits beginning with 4. Some numbers beginning with 2, 8, or 9 may have fewer than 8 digits.
The only land border that Qatar has is with Saudi Arabia.
Qatar is 19 hours ahead of Malaysia.
3, 1Ltr. bottle we can carry from Qatar to India