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That's a harder question than you might think. Israel and Judah split and combined several times during the beginning. There are also lapses in the historical record.

Saul, 1020 BC to Hoseah 731 BC (23 for Israel)

Fell to the Assyrians

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Q: How many kings were there in Israel before the birth of Jesus?
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What are the stories from before the birth of Jesus?

Stories from before the birth of Jesus can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. Stories about: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the three patriarchs of the people of Israel, Moses - he led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt to the 'promised land'. Joshua, Caleb - leaders of the people Israel when Israel entered the 'promised land'. Saul, David, Solomon - some of the kings of Israel. Isaiah, Jonah, Jeremiah, - some of the prophets of Israel

Where does the Bible talk about the three kings?

During the story of Jesus's birth.

Who led before the times of kings?

Israel was led by various Judges before being ruled by kings like other nations.

What did King Ahab do more than all the kings of Israel that was before him?

King Ahab did more evil than all the kings of Israel who came before him. He married Jezebel, who introduced the worship of Baal and Asherah to Israel. Ahab also built an altar and temple for Baal in Samaria, and engaged in various idolatrous practices, leading the people of Israel astray from their worship of God.

How many kings had there been in Israel before David?

Only Saul.

Who were the Jewish Kings during the life of Jesus?

There were none. The last king of Israel was Hoshea (2 Kings 17:1) 732-722 B.C.

What gift did the three kings get Jesus Christ for his birth?

Gold, frankincense and myrrh

What kings or rulers mentions Jesus in their reign before and after Jesus death?

It was Tiberius Ceasear.

Who ruled before the kings and Queens?

back in israel in the bible it says judges ruled before the kings the last judge was Samuel and the first king was saul

Why did the three kings go see Jesus?

Because they were wise men and saw his star in the East and followed it to Jesus' birth place.

Who was at the birth of jesus?

mary, joseph, three kings a few sheep and goats a cow or two

Why does Christmas happen?

To get families to see each other the birth of Jesus - Originally it was a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The giving of presents was to symbolise the present brought to the stable by the shepherds and 3 kings.