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1200000000 billion the most in the world! i looked it up so i am right. no exception's.

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13y ago
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15y ago

there are more than 17,500 Islands in Indonesian and around 13,000 are inhabited.

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13y ago

THere are 5 : Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, and West Papua. however, there are more than 17,000 islands spread in the archipelago.

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12y ago

There are lots of island in Indonesia and it have exactly 14 islands.

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13y ago

over 13,000 make up Indonesia

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Indonesia comprises of 17,508 islands

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15y ago

over 3000

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What string of islands in Indonesia do Bali Timor Flores and Sumba belong to?

They all belong to the Lesser Sunda islands.

Large island in Indonesia?

Some of the largest islands in Indonesia are Sumatra, Java, and Celebes. Sumatra is the largest of all the islands in Indonesia with an area of 164,000 square miles. Indonesia is made up of over 18,000 islands.

What are the 4 Indonesian islands?

As there are some 17,508 islands in Indonesia, they are not all named. The main islands of Indonesia are categorised as the Greater Sunda Islands, which include Borneo, Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi, and New Guinea, which is divided between the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua and the independent nation of Papua New Guinea. The best listing of many of the individual island names can be found at the related link below.

How do you described the Indonesia?

a 17,000 islands more country, where you can have anything in every part of this country... if you come as a visitor, you`ll get amazed of islands, parks, and whole areas of this tropical islands country.. even though you knew that Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia was more fantastic somehow, but its just their advertise and how to pack it way better than Indonesia. but Indonesia has everything way much more than those countries.. as a matter of fact that they imported all Indonesian finet things, its still a great thing to be here in Indonesia

What country has 1000 islands?

Well, Indonesia has like 17 thousand Japan have about 3000 and the Philippines have about 7000. That's all I know for now.

Where is komodo island at?

Komodo dragons live on some of the island of Indonesia. Those islands consist of: Komodo, Flores, Rinca, Motang, Gili, and Padar.

Did anyone finish all the islands on poptropica?

Many users have finished all the islands. It is not a competition.

What type of landform is Indonesia?

Indonesia is characterised by the fact that it is an archipelago, that is, a group of islands. Consequently, landforms include islands, gulfs, bays, inlets, peninsulas, lakes, rivers, headlands and caves. There are also volcanoes, mountains and valleys. For more details on individual landforms, click on the link below.

Where are the maldaise islands?

The Maldaise archipelago consists of three different islands. The islands are Malta, Gozo, and Comino. All three together have a population of around 400,000, as of 2014.

How many airports are located on islands?

Many airports all over the world are located on islands.