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Q: How many illegal immigrants are there in the US from Mexico?
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What is the main country that illegal immigrants come from?

In the US, Mexico

Why don't Mexicans go back to Mexico?

First, it is a myth that all immigrants are Mexicans, and it is also a myth that the US is being overrun with illegal Mexican immigrants. While many illegal immigrants are indeed from Mexico, many are not. (And it should also be noted that many immigrants from Mexico are legal, and have every right to be here.) Studies have shown that there are illegal immigrants from numerous countries, including Ireland and China, who come to the US and either overstay their visa unintentionally or decide they don't want to leave, even when they are supposed to. As for Mexicans, many do in fact go back to Mexico. But others stay, and in some cases, they live in the shadows for years, working at jobs many Americans don't want to do.

Why was the Mexico-us border fence built for?

Supposedly, to prevent Mexican illegal immigrants from reaching US soil.

Is it easy for an illegal Mexican to return to Mexico with no record of being in the US?

Yes, there are many illegal immigrants who lived and worked in the United States and no official record of their whereabouts are being held.

Why they built the US Mexico border?

Supposedly, to keep illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists out of the United States.

Which US state has the highest number of illegal immigrants per capita?

I think it's New Mexico?

How many illegal immigrants are in the US military?

about one quarter

How many illegal Mexican immigrants entered the US in 2001?

About 36 million

Is the US-Mexico border effective?

You mean enforced? No. It is as porous as it can be. Drugs, weapons and illegal immigrants cross it everyday on both sides.

Is the us better off without illegal immigrants?

The US needs illegal immigrants. Many of these people are willing to do jobs that legal US citizens will not. They are extremely hardworking people and are just looking for a better life for their families.

How many illegal aliens from Mexico in US?

23 (America)

Do illegal immigrants get deported if they do not brake us laws?

An illegal immigrant to the US is, by definition, a person who has entered the country in a manner which violates US immigration law. That is the distinction between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. So yes, they get deported.