The flight time from Lagos, Nigeria to Sydney, Australia is about 19.5 hours.
How many hours is it from Lagos Nigeria to Ohio in usa
Dubai (DXB) to Lagos (LOS)Flight Duration 7 hours 55 mins
A typical flight from Miami, Florida to Lagos, Nigeria takes about 11 hours and 16 minutes.
3 hours 3 minutes
12 hours
About 10 - 12 hours
There are no direct flights from Manchester to Lagos Nigeria. You will need to take a flight from Manchester to London Heathrow which takes about 30 minutes, and then an interconnecting flight from Heathrow to Lagos, which is about 7 hours long. That combined with the Manchester to London flight will take about 7 hours and 30 minutes in total.
It will be approximately 12 hours.
about 12 hours direct flight
The flight time is approximately 10 hours, 34 minutes.