There are 9 hours between London, United Kingdom, and Sydney, Australia. Sydney is 9 hours ahead of London.
When London (UTC/UTC+1) is on Summer Time and Sydney (UTC+10/UTC+11) is on Standard Time (from the 1st Sunday of April to the 1st Sunday of October), Sydney is 9 hours ahead of London.When London and Sydney are both on Summer Time (from the last Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of April and from the 1st Sunday of October to the last Sunday of October), Sydney is 10 hours ahead of London.When London is on Standard Time and Sydney is on Summer Time (from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March), Sydney is 11 hours ahead of London.So in June, 1 PM BST in London = 10 PM Eastern Standard Time in Sydney.In mid-October, 1 PM BST in London = 11 PM Eastern Summer Time in Sydney.In December, 12 noon GMT in London = 11 PM Eastern Summer Time in Sydney.
In April, Sydney, Australia is 9 hours ahead of London, United Kingdom. If it is 12:00 pm in Sydney, it would be 3:00 am in London.
From early April to early October, Sydney (UTC+10) is eight hours ahead of Cape Town (UTC+2).During the rest of the year, Sydney (UTC+11) is nine hours ahead of Cape Town (UTC+2).2 PM SAST = 10 PM AEST = 11 PM AEDT
In sydney it is 10 hours ahead of the UK
London is 6 hours ahead of Texas.
About 10 hrs.
Florida is is five hours behind London.
Five hours.
London is GMT, New York is GMT -5 hours. New York is 5 hours behind London.
London is ahead of Cuba by 5 hours.
Berlin is actually an hour ahead of London.