San Diego is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. Bahrain is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +3 hours, ie. 3 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. San Diego is 11 hours behind Bahrain. (Daylight savings not taken into account.) During Daylight Saving Time, which is in effect 65% of the time in San Diego, Bahrain (UTC+3) is ten hours ahead of San Diego (UTC-7).
Belfast is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. San Diego is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. San Diego is 8 hours behind Belfast. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
England is 4 hours behind Azerbaijan.
I believe Idaho is 8 hours behind.
Spain is not behind England. Spain is an hour ahead of England.
5 hours
7 hours
England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. US Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Orlando is 5 hours behind England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
4 July 1776
England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. California is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. Malibu is 8 hours behind England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
5 hours by Jess
England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. Canada has 6 time zones. Newfoundland is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -3.5 hours, ie. 3.5 hours behind Greenwich England. Canada (Atlantic time) is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -4 hours, ie. 4 hours behind Greenwich England. Canada (Eastern time) is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich England. Canada (Central time) is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -6 hours, ie. 6 hours behind Greenwich England. Canada (Mountain time) is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -7 hours, ie. 7 hours behind Greenwich England. Canada (Pacific time) is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)