The driving distance from Orlando, Florida to Phoenix, Arizona is 2,135 mi - about 1 day 7 hours.
The direct distance from Orlando, Florida to Phoenix, Arizona is 1847 miles (2972 km).
Orlando, FL (ORL) to Phoenix, AZ (PHX)
Flight Duration 4 hours 34 mins
Using, it is 2,139 miles to drive from Phoenix to Orlando.
It is 9,947 miles from Sydney, Australia to New York, U.S.A. It is 7511 miles from Sydney to Los Angeles, California.
Air miles to Miami, Florida, United States of America from Sydney, Australia total 9,339. That is 15,030 kilometers. That is 8,115 nautical miles.
The air distance from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Sydney, Australia, is 9,352 miles. That equals 15,049 kilometers or 8,126 nautical miles.
The flight time from Sydney, Australia to Charlotte, North Carolina is about 19 hours.
It will take about 18 hours and 20 minutes.
fourteen hours flying time
The flight time from Sydney, Australia to Laos is about 9 hours, 23 minutes.
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Sydney, Australia is about 9 hours, 21 minutes.
It takes 10 hours and 25 minutes.
Flying time from Dakar to Sydney is about 22.5hrs
The flight time from Sydney, Australia to Miami International Airport is about 18 hours, 40 minutes.
For direct flights, about 9.75 hours flying time. This is time 'in the air' and excludes ground activities.
less than 24 hours
A typical flight between Sydney, Australia and Quito, Ecuador would have a flying time of about 16 hours, 55 minutes.
The flight distance from Vancouver, Canada to Sydney, Australia is 7,757 miles. A nonstop flight takes 14 hours 55 minutes.