Kissimmee Florida and Daytona Beach Florida are approximately 87 miles apart. This can be broken down as follows: Kissimmee is 76 miles away from Daytona Beach Orlando is 11 miles away from KissimmeeThis means that the total distance between Kissimmee and Daytona Beach is 87 miles.
The distance between Kissimmee and Daytona beach is almost 76.5 miles. It would take around one and a half hour to drive this distance.
The driving distance from Richmond, Virginia to Daytona Beach, Florida is about 700 miles.
150 miles taking Florida's TURNPIKE (toll).
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 13 hours and 31 minutes.
No, There is no beach driving allowed on the beaches in Virginia.
80 miles taking this route:Take SR-417 TOLL (Central Florida Greenway) NORTH from Kissimmee to I-4 EAST to DAYTONA BEACH off EXIT 55A.Take I-4 EAST to Daytona Beach.
It depends on your route, but the approximate driving distance (using major roadways) is 100 miles.
It is 521.47 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance between Virginia Beach and Quantico is 180 miles.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Virginia Beach, Virginia and Orlando, Florida is 774 miles. The resulting travel time is 12 hours and 49 minutes.
The driving distance from Ottawa, ON, Canada to Virginia Beach, VA, USA is 708.61mi / 1140.39km