If you take the M1 and M6 route= 121 miles (2 hours 24 mins)
If you take the M40 route= 131 miles (2 hours, 29 minutes)
what is the fifference between a saturn sw1 and sw2
in the beach,dock and lighthouse
14 gallons technically 13.2 from what ive read elsewhere
Yes. Although still in process there will be and is a SW2. If you want to keep up with it then go to Stickpage.com and scroll down till you see the SW2 blog. ^_^
I could not find a "SW2" in my reference materials but I did find "S-Series" vehicles. 1. Step 1 is to be sure you get the right replacement wiper blade. The 1997 Saturn S-Series vehicles take a 15" rear wiper blade (drivers side is 22" and passenger side is 21" - fyi).
4.2 qts
see links below
It would be in the glove box or trunk.