* Driving it is 2,354 mi - about 1 day 11 hours. * Orlando, FL (ORL) to Las Vegas, NV (LAS) Shortest Flight Duration 4 hours 41 mins
The distance between Orlando, FL and Sarasota, FL is 131.5 miles. It takes a little over two hours to make the drive.
The driving distance from Las Vegas to Albuquerque is 575 mi - about 8 hours 17 mins.
Distance:The direct distance between Jacksonville, Florida and Orlando, Florida is 127 miles (205 km). The driving distance between Jacksonville and Orlando is 140 mi - about 2 hours 15 mins
It is an estimated 11,390 miles between Australia and Orlando. The flight time between these locations is 23 hours and 17 minutes.
16 and 1/2 hours
The distance between Orlando and Port St. Lucie is approximately 125 miles by car, taking about 2 hours to drive.
12 hours and 35 minutes
The distance between Siesta Key and Orlando is approximately 130 miles by car, with an estimated driving time of around 2-2.5 hours depending on traffic.
The distance is approximately 450 road miles - about 7 hours of driving time.
7 and one half hours 430 miles
1,343 mi, 23 hours 31 mins
The distance between Clearwater and Orlando, Florida is approximately 100 miles. It would take around 1.5-2 hours to drive between the two cities, depending on traffic conditions.