Amsterdam is one hour ahead of Ghana.
Ghana (UTC) is 2 hours behind the Netherlands (UTC+1/UTC+2) while the Netherlands is on Summer Time, from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October.
Ghana is 1 hour behind the Netherlands while the Netherlands is on Standard Time.
Thailand is 6 hours ahead of England.
Ghana is typically 5 hours ahead of the eastern United States (EST time zone) and 8 hours ahead of the western United States (PST time zone).
Four hours ahead.
How many hours ahead of England is Jamaica
Italy's 24 Hour Clock is 2 Hours ahead of England!
many hours apart
3 hours
England is typically 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time.
England (United Kingdom) is typically 5 hours ahead of Canada (Eastern Time Zone) and 8 hours ahead of Canada's Pacific Time Zone.
The flight from England to Ghana is approximately 6 hours and 36 minutes. The actual distance is 3,1761 miles or 5111.4 km.
Five hours.
London, England is typically 5 hours ahead of Fulton, Maryland.