

Best Answer
  • Their is only one god
  • Sikhs do not differentiate between the God they worship and the God worshipped by other monotheistic faiths as their primary belief is "Ik Onkar" (One God).
  • Sikhs believe that there is only one god and everyone believes in that same god in different ways. They are monotheistic. As Sikhs live all over the world and they believe that god is everywhere the question of 'country' does not arise. Because no-one has actually 'seen' the one god, no-one really knows how many arms He has got.
  • Sikhs employ several names for God including "Rab", "Khuda, "Bhagwan", "Ishwar", "Allah" (basically all names used for Him by Islam and Hinduism are mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib), and even address Him using the names of Hindu murti like "Shiva", "Ram" etc. but they generally call God "Vaheguru" (Wonderful Master).
  • We believe in One God. Whether you call him Jesus, Allah or Waheguru... There is only one creator... That is also why we tolerate other beliefs... But I think the reason why you're confused is because we 11 Guru's. (teachers). They are not to be compared with God. These were human beings with knowledge and they have provided us with guidance as to the proper lifestyle a Sikh should have. Our Guru's had been enlightened by God.

They only worship One God.
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Q: How many gods are there in Sikhism?
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Gods and goddesses have in Sikhism?

There is only one God in Sikhism. However, you might be getting confused with the Gurus. The 10 Gurus were NOT Gods, but just prophets who were sent by God to teach us the perfect way of life.

What are Sikhism Guru's?

Gurus aren't Gods they are leaders of the Sikhism faith. They do not think themselves as Gods either. Sikhs believe in equality between both women and men. This belief came from the founder of the religion, Guru Nanak.

What is japna in Sikhism?

this means to repeat gods name or god'd teachings again and again

Is Sikhism monotheistic or polytheistic?

Sikhism is monothesistic Polytheistic means you believe in more than one gods or goddesses.* Monotheistic means you believe in one God or Goddess.* Sikhism is monothesistic

Are Hindus Sikhs?

No, Sikhs and Hindus are different religions. As the first answerer wrote, now Hinduism and Sikhism are considered different religions. But there is a gray area. All hindus rever the Sikh gurus, and many Sikhs rever Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Who or what is the deity of Sikhism?

There is no main deity in Sikhism. We have 10 'Gurus' (which means teacher) who we believe was sent by God to teach us. 'Sikh' comes from the word 'Sikhna' which means to learn.

Which continent is Sikhism followed?

Sikhism was founded in Asia (India) but is practised in many continents eg: Europe, America

How many k are there Sikhism?

Only one.

What do Hinduism Buddhism and Sikhism have in common?

Sikhism existed from Hinduism so there is many things common. Such as humanity self defense & Peace.

How many population of Sikhism are there in the UK?

Approximately 336,000

How many people follow Sikhism?

Sikhism has around 25.8million follows 75% of this religion is from India : ^ )

What is the name of Sikhism?

It is called Sikhism.