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Four but they have 8 toes/claws

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Q: How many feet do sheep have?
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Where does apostrophe go with a noun such as sheep eg The vet is attending to all the sheeps feet?

The answer depends on whether you are talking about one sheep, or several sheep. If there is only one sheep and the vet is attending to all its feet, you would say: "The vet is attending to all the sheep's feet." If there is more than one sheep, however, you would say "the vet is attending to all the sheeps' feet."

How tall are sheep?

2 feet tall

Plural for sheep example foot Feet?

sheep medium larva postman

Do not have sheep which has not wool?

No wool which has sheep? Though goat has not horns still have feet it does

What is the plural for sheep and foot?

Sheep is both singular and plural; the plural of foot is feet.

How do you cape a bighorn sheep?

Hunters usually cape a bighorn sheep by carefully skinning the animal to preserve the hide for taxidermy purposes. This involves making precise incisions along the animal's body and removing the hide in one piece. The cape is then salted and preserved before being sent to a taxidermist for mounting.

Is it legal to sell sheep head and feet?

(in the US) No.

A man drove 20 sheep to market with a dog how many feet are on the ground?

86 = 21 quadrapeds + 1 biped

A drove of sheep and chickens have a total of 99 heads and feet There are twice as many chickens as sheepHow many of each are there?

9 sheeps and 18 chickens

What is the feet of sheep called?

Cloved hooved thats why sheep are affected by foot & mouth disease

How does sheep communicate?

Sheep communicate through various vocalizations such as bleating, as well as through body language like ear and tail positions. They use these signals to convey information about their needs, emotions, and social hierarchy to other sheep in the flock.

What is the length of a sheep - length?

4 1/4 feet