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On average, 102 occur per day, with 37,283 occurring per year.

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Q: How many earthquakes happen in California a year?
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What is the approxomite number of earthquakes that happen in California each year?

my baws

How many earthquakes can there be in a year?

Nobody knows how many earthquakes can happen in a year because you cannot predict earthquakes. :)

Where in the US do earthquakes happen?

Nevada has the fourth highest number of earthquakes per year after Alaska, California, and Hawaii. They happen in many other places as well but sometimes you just dont feel it. In fact, even NY have earthquakes but they are soooooooooo little. You can barely tell...

How many earthquakes does southern California average in one year?

Southern California experiences thousands of earthquakes every year, but most are very small and go unnoticed. On average, Southern California typically experiences several hundred earthquakes each year that are large enough to be felt by people.

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How many earthquakes happen a year?

more than a thousand each year

How many earthquakes happened each year?

On average, there are around 500,000 earthquakes a year globally, but the majority of them are too small to be felt. It's estimated that about 100,000 of these earthquakes can be felt by people, with around 100-150 being strong enough to cause damage. The number of earthquakes per year can vary due to various factors.

How many seismic tremors happen in CA each year?

California experiences thousands of seismic tremors each year, with many of them too small to be felt by people. However, on average, there are around 15,000 earthquakes annually in California, though the majority are minor in magnitude.

How many 5.0 earthquakes happen in the last 10 year in the US?


How many earthquakes happen in California each year?

On average, 102 occur per day, with 37,283 occurring per year.

On average how many earthquakes happen in Jamaica per year?

Usually none, can sometimes happen, i.e. 0-2 per year

How many accidents happen in California a year?
