Google Maps estimates the driving time as 9.5 hours.
596 miles
Drive time from Charlotte to Hilton Head is slightly less than 4 hours.
5 or 6
About 600 miles
The distance between Hilton Head Island. SC and Chattanooga TN is 401 miles and will take about 6 Hours 30 Minutes of driving time.
2-3 hours
There are approximately 479.33 miles from Norfolk, VA to Hilton Head, SC. The estimated driving time is 7 hours and 26 minutes.
What is the driving distance from Suffolk, VA to Hilton Head, SC
The driving distance from Chicago to Hilton Head Island SC is 953 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 15 hours and 7 minutes.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 21 hours and 11 minutes.
530 mi, 8 hours 47 mins