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There are 24 deaf schools .....i wanna =0 <=====8 THOMAS

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Q: How many deaf schools are there in Ghana?
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How many schools are in Ghana?

Yes,there are many public schools in Ghana. For example many secondary schools in Ghana are government. Also many junior secondary schools are public.

How many schools are there for deaf people in the US?

Yes, there are many schools which cater only to the deaf. These schools have many different methods of teaching, for example some may place emphasis on sign language and others on lipreading.

How is American sign language is traditionally handed down from generation?

American Sign Language (ASL) is traditionally passed down through deaf communities and families, where it is acquired from a young age by deaf children from deaf parents or relatives. Deaf cultural events, schools for the deaf, and social gatherings also play a role in the transmission of ASL from one generation to the next. Additionally, technology and resources for learning ASL have become more widely available in recent years, contributing to its continued use and dissemination.

How many deaf schools in America?

Answeri only know Maryland, New York, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Minnesota

Do you have fashion designing schools in Ghana?

yes, we have

Why be Against residential schools for the deaf?

Some people believe that children can learn to cope better in the world if they were educated in a normal school. Deaf schools are sometimes believed to lead to over dependence on this kind of environment. This said, deaf schools allow the schools to tailor there facilities and education towards the needs of the deaf. Staff employed will be experts in the field and students will have access to more opportunities to access ways to get passed deafness

How can a government empower the deaf and the mute work force?

A government can empower the deaf and mute work force in many ways. They have ways of helping out using phones, schools and have places that can help you start.

How many schools for the blind are there in the world?

Most schools cater to people with blindness - it's part of a disability/equality policy, but there are some specialist colleges and schools for the blind/deaf, but not a lot. There aren't any statistics that state how many there are though.

Did Helen Keller teach at schools?

yes to the deaf and blind

I am an ASL student what are some residential schools nearby San Benito County CA that would be good to visit?

Two residential schools for the Deaf in California that you may want to consider visiting are the California School for the Deaf in Fremont and the California School for the Deaf in Riverside. Both schools have excellent programs for Deaf students and are within a reasonable driving distance from San Benito County.

Did bill blanks school in Ghana?

Yes, Ghana does have schools like every other country in Africa. Ghana alsohas nurseries, and universities.

Where are the top schools in Ghana?

i don,t have ans