6 - Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Cairns
The driving distance from Darwin to Cairns is 2853 kilometres
how many days from mumbai to italy to travel
Budget Rent-a-Car has numerous locations in Australia. There are are locations at Darwin, Adelaide, Sydney, Hobart, Perth, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Townsville.
Without stopping for supplies around 890NM from Darwin to cairns
66 days
Singapore airlines do a return flight once daily. they fly into Adelaide at 9:10am on SQ279 and leave for Singapore at 1:05pm on SQ278
2,450 air miles from Momona Airport, Dunedin, NZ (DUD) to Cairns Airport, Cairns, AU (CNS).
The distance from Philadelphia to Cairns is 2388 miles (3843 km).
A lot of days. Lots.
Adelaide's area is 1,826.9 square kilometers.