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There were 3 crusades spanning a few hundred years

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Q: How many crusades did the Christians do when wanting to conquer the holy land?
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Related questions

What was the crusades about?

The Crusades were about re-capturing the Holy Land, which is the sacred land for Christians.

What did the christians call the holy wars?

Christians in the middle ages fought holy wars, which were called the crusades.

Who were the Crusades for?

The crusades were a holy war made by the christians and the Muslims who were fighting over Jerusalem

What was the primary cause of the crusades?

The primary cause of the Crusades was for the Christians to win back the "Holy Land."

What did the European Christians call the Muslims of the holy land?


How did the crusades finish?

by the christians winning back the holy land

What is the series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims?

Yes the Crusades, you know that war in which the Christians tried to take the holy land.

Why did the Crusades happen?

The Crusades were started because the the Muslims, Christians, and Jews all share the Holy Land of Israel, and the first crusade occured because the Christians were trying to recapture the holy land.

Why were the crusades fighting?

The Holy Lands are important to both the Christians and Muslims. The crusades began when the Muslims began denying Christians access to the sacred sites.

What was the effect of European Christians wanting to recover the the holy land from the Muslim?

After the Crusades the European Christians returned to Europe with many ideas and knowledges from the Middle Eastern Islamic Lands... this began the Renaissance in Europe which took them out of their Dark Ages

What was the effect of European Christian's wanting wanting to recover the holy land from the Muslim?

After the Crusades the European Christians returned to Europe with many ideas and knowledges from the Middle Eastern Islamic Lands... this began the Renaissance in Europe which took them out of their Dark Ages

Who led the 4 crusades?

Christians and Muslims. Christians wanted to take the holy land away from the Muslims.