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The last successful invasion of England was in 1066 by the Duke of Normandy. The Normans whom he led came from Normandy in France. However, they were not French but "north men" from Denmark and Norway who had settled in France a hundred years earlier and learned to speak French.

Prior to this there had been several relatively successful invasions of large parts of England by the Vikings from Denmark and Norway. The most successful of these was in 1016 when King Canute made himself King of all England.

Since 1066 there have been no other successful invasions of England which replaced the government or occupied a large part of the country. There have been a number of smaller invasions usually led by either France or Scotland but these attacks were brief and always ended in failure.

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Gregory Jones

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1y ago
william of orange invaded Britain after 1066, that was successful and we also had unsuccesful attempts by the uSA and Germany,
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13y ago

From the 1800 - 1950 Great Britain and her Queen were looking to expand their kingdom and increase their treasury.(finances) So they sent missionaries to live among the native inhabitants of Canada, while there they learned their customs and a bit of there language. After learning enough of the languages of the different tribes/clans they sent word to the Queen, and in turn, she sent negotiators to have the different tribes/clans to sign treaties so that settlers won't get attacked while moving to Canada. But, what the negotiators orders were in fact was to tell the missionaries to lie to the natives into thinking that it was a peace treaty and to not mention that they were actually signing away their land and all its resources. Also that their children would be taken away to be educated at residential/boarding schools, which ended horribly with mass molestations and different forms of abuse by the priestss and nun's that were charged to teach and look after the native children. One of the forms of abuse was sexual abuse. That is why today there are a lot of aboriginals that are involved in drugs, pills, alcohol, and abuse in all its forms. They learned this from their parents and it passed on from generation to generation to today, generations of pain and dysfunction all beginning from the residential/boarding schools. In the end the treaties were signed and all that was left for the natives(which are no known as aboriginals of Canada) was $4-$5 a year and a small land patch which is now known as a reserve. Another concern is that back in 1800's $4-$5 a year was lots and a box a chewing tobacco was 10-15 cents, now A box of the same thing can cost more than $5. Why didn't the treaty money go up with inflation? Today alot of Canadians do not know the true story of their home country and how it was obtained. For the ones that do know, they either ignore it or try to avoid it when the question arises. For the ones that don't know at all, they simply assume that all aboriginals get everything for free (which still assumed and is mentioned today) and lash out at aboriginals verberally or violently. There is a lot speculation among Aboriginals into the current treaties today and some or all would say that Canada is not living up to it's agreements concerning the treaties of Canada. The big question now is WHY...

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