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Q: How many countries does the average American visit during their lifetime?
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How many times does your heartbeat in your lifetime?

During an average lifetime: over 2.5 billion times.

Can humans walk one hundred thousand miles during a lifetime?

According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, the average person takes between 8,000 and 10.000 steps a day. This works out to be several miles. In the average lifetime, that adds up to about 115,000 miles!

How many cans of sodas does an average American drink during a lifetime?

52.5 a month *12 proximate 600/year with an average of 70 years 43000. Exact answer is 43371 but I was right on a quiz in National Geographic

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According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average U.S. worker changes careers 3-5 times during their lifetime.

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On average, a person may experience 2-3 fractures during their lifetime. The number can vary depending on factors like age, lifestyle, and overall health.

What countries were entrenched with Civil War during the 1980's?

Central American Countries.

What are 5 historical events that happened during Mozart's lifetime?

Five historical events that happened during Mozart's lifetime are The Seven Year War, The American Revolution, The Battles at Lexington and Concord, Submarine, and the French Revolution.

What does the average person own 8 of during their lifetime?

household tv's, radios,mp3 players couches, computers

What does the average person do 15000 time during their lifetime?

The average person blinks approximately 15,000 times per day. This equates to about 5.5 million blinks per year and over 400 million blinks in a lifetime.

To whom was Cesar Romero the American actor married?

Cesar Romero, the American actor, was married to no one. Cesar Romero, the American Actor, never married during his lifetime as an American actor in America.

What countries were involved during the Spanish American war?

Spain and the US.

Who were the first countries in Vietnam?

The US during the American VN War.