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Q: How many children are killed by the one child policy in china per year?
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What happens to the country with one child policy?

Nothing happens the government stick to there plans, if you have two children (twins) and there both male you can keep them if one is female she will be killed/drowned ect...... This is calledf One Child Policy in China

What has resulted from china?

The one child policy in China has resulted in a disproportionate number of male children as compared to female children.

How would the children in china feel about the one child policy?

sad and alone

Why in china they had a two child policy?

As China is no. 1 country on the basis of population so the government in China bring a policy of two children to control the population of their country.Under this policy no people in china has more than two children either they will be punished or they will charged some money.

Why does china has one child policy?

Because not everybody has children, and some people can't.

What were the reasons for the one child policy in china?

Acually the most common policy is two children and that is because china is so over populated.

Is china's one child policy fair to everyone?

no it is not because if someone whants two children they cant because of the policy?

What facts are there about the one child policy in china?

What do you think about China one child policy

Was China's one child policy fair?

I do not think it was fair that china has an one child policy because they have to let their other children on the sides of streets or side walks and let them suffer, get ran over by a car, or tourmented by careless humans such as China's government. They should make a bigger economy.

Is the 1-child policy in China being changed to a 2-child policy?

According to some Chinese fellow students, the one-child policy still stands with an exception. You could have 2 children if both your parents were an only child.

What happens to the girls in China?

Due to the Family Planning Policy (One Child Policy) in China, females may be aborted, abandoned, neglected, confiscated by the family planning officials, or intentionally killed.

Where abouts in china is the one child policy in place?

China's one child policy is a national policy; it is in place throughout the country.