The North Carolina Tar Heels participate in many sports including baseball, basketball, field hockey, volleyball, football, lacrosse, soccer, golf, and rugby.
how many churches in north carolina
How many miles is it from Statesville, Virginia to Asheville, North Carolina?
What is the distance in miles from Fuquay Varina North Carolina to Cary North Carolina
North Carolina has five syllables.
There are many forensic science school in the North Carolina area. There are many like North Carolina School of Forensic Science. Altogether there are at least 13 in the North Carolina area.
Carolina is in 2 parts. South and north
As of June 2014, the University of North Carolina Tar Heels men's team have won five NCAA Championships in basketball. They were also the Helms champions in 1924, which predated the NCAA tournament. The Tar Hells have been the runner-up four times.
How many US House districts were there in North Carolina in 2008? How many US House districts were there in North Carolina in 2008?
how many state capitals are in north carolina i <3 u