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Q: How many bigfoot night sightings are in north America?
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What does bigfoot live in?

There isn't an exact location of Bigfoot in North America as there have been Bigfoot sightings all over the continent.

Were do bigfoots live?

Bigfoot sightings are reported almost world wide, though most sightings originate in north America. Bigfoot (and creatures closely resembling the north American version) are also known as sasquatch, yeti, skookum, hibagon (Japan), Yeren (China), Mapinquai (Brazil and Bolivia), Urayuli (Alaska) and Batutut (Vietnam, Laos and Borneo).

Where is big foots footprint first found?

in north california well in north california was the most sightings and the first bigfoot footage

Is there any sights of bigfoot in new Mexico?

There have been sightings in every state except for Hawaii. Other sightings occur in Canada, and even as far north as Alaska.

Where do the bigfoot names come from?

Many of the names for bigfoot, such as sasquatch, come from North America and the United States.

Do apes live in North America?

No apes do not live in america unless you beleive in bigfoot

Were does big foot lived?

The place where the most sightings occur is in Humbolt County in California Bigfoot researchers say that Humbolt County is the squatchiest place on earth, sasquatches live mostly in North America. I think they also live in Canada.

How many Bigfoot sightings have there been in America?

Thousands of reported sightings over hundreds of years. The Native Indians knew about Bigfoot long before European immigrants came to North America. Records have only been kept for the last hundred years or so, so an accurate count is not possible.

Bigfoot is a monster that is said to live in Canada What is its other name?

Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch in North America, and this name is often used when referring to the species of animal that Bigfoot belongs to.

Where is the Loch Ness Monster Bigfoot UFOs and aliens all located?

The Loch Ness Monster is said to reside in Loch Ness in Scotland. Bigfoot sightings are reported in various regions of North America, including the Pacific Northwest. UFO sightings have been reported globally, with certain locations like Roswell, New Mexico, gaining notoriety. Alien sightings are reported worldwide, with no specific location ascribed to their existence.

Where has bigfoot been seen in North America?

The states of Washington and Alaska USA, and in parts of Canada. in the mountains in the mountains IDK! Ask bigfoot if you see him/her. :)

What is Bigfoot's shoe size?

The shoe size of Bigfoot, a mythical creature believed to inhabit forests in North America, is not officially documented or known since there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot.