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Over 6,000 aircraft destroyed. Over 2,000 fixed wing (jets & propeller driven); 4,000 helicopters.

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Q: How many aircraft did the US lose in Vietnam?
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The French were fighting in Vietnam in 1950 not the US.

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Who was the presidenr when US lose in Vietnam war?

Gerald Ford .

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Why does the US lose Vietnam?

we didn't lose Vietnam. We simply left when President Nixon went into office. We trained the south Vietnam people to fend for themselves and slowly took troops out, then when the two Vietnam's called a peace treaty for the new year celebration Tet north Vietnam issued several attacks on South Vietnam. So the side we were helping lost but truthfully we did not lose.

What countries were covered during the Vietnam War?

The countries that were actually "physically" involved, and were bombed or had US aircraft crash into them, whether they were "officially" in the war or not, were: Lao's, Cambodia, North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

Did the us plane skyhawk drop any bombs on Vietnam?

Yes indeed; Skyhawks played key roles in the Vietnam War, the Yom Kippur War, and the Falklands War. They were a superb low level strike aircraft and have used by many air forces around the world. In Vietnam they were used from US Navy carriers.

Did lose the you Vietnam war?

The US didn't win it. Or...North Vietnam won the war. Either way is preferable to "losing the war" according to the many hard core historians.

How did the aircraft help us in the Vietnam War?

Timely troop movements, troop support, supplies, and strategic air stikes.

Which branch of the military has the most aircraft?

During the Vietnam War, the US Army had the largest helicopter force in the United States.

What wars did the us lose in?

Technically, Richard Nixon. Theoretically, Lyndon B.Johnson (or even posthumously J.F. Kennedy) as Vietnam was a Democrats' war.