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Q: How many Muslim mayors in England?
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Does the US have any Muslim Mayors?

Yes, there are Muslim mayors in the United States. The mayor of Teaneck New Jersey is a Muslim, for example. His deputy is an Orthodox Jew. Canada has also elected Muslim mayors. Calgary, Alberta recently elected a Muslim.

How many Muslim mayors in UK?


Does England have mayors?

There are Mayors in England but they have very few duties. The most famous (or infamous) Mayor in England is the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.

Are there any female mayors?

yes - in England anyway

How many mayors in the us?

910 mayors

How many mayors are there in NJ?

790 mayors

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the gentlemen of England were sort of mayors of the settlement ,

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answer me how many mayor are in Nepal

What is the Mayors name in the US?

There are many thousands of mayors in the US. You would need to specify the city and state to get a correct answer.

In America how many women are mayors?

there were 3