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Q: How many Koreans were killed by Japanese in World War 2?
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How many Japanese killed in World War 2?

2 million

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How did the Japanese treat the Koreans during World War 2?

Japanese did all kinds of cruel things with Koreans and Chinese.They did experiments performing Cesarean section to pregnant women without giving anesthetics, they peeled off face skins of people to test if they can survive, putting needles under the finger tips and many kinds of things.The Japanese locked Korean family's in their homes then set the house on fire, basically the Japanese burned them to death. Japanese would put splinters under the Koreans finger nails to test their pain tolerance. They would dig holes in the sand and bury the Koreans up to their shoulders, then the tide would come in and kill them. There is some many terrible things the Japanese did to Koreans. Japanese treated Koreans like Hitler treated Jewish people. The only reason people aren't really aware of Korean and Japanese history like Hitler and Jewish history is because Koreans are ashamed to talk about it, they shouldn't be. Also, Japanese would strip Koreans of their culture during their attempt to take over Korea. Japanese wouldn't let Korean people speak Korean otherwise they would be tortured, sometimes killed. Japanese men would rape Korean women, most of them being virgins (can't say all because there is no proof, but the majority of them were virgins).Yet, Japan do not apologize to both china and Korea. Actually they are proud of what they have done.

What did the Koreans have against japan?

Korea and Japan Friction: It dates back 18th century Pottery War until 20th century Japanese military dictatorship occupation over Korea 36 years. Japan and Korea Friction: It dates back 18th century- 20th century. Koreans killed many Japanese nationalist. Including Ito Hirobumi ( he was bombed by Korean nationalist Ahn Jung Hoon). Correct fact: Japanese occupied Taiwan over 50 years. Japanese military occupied Korea for 36 years. For Japanese military occupation they had hardest time with Koreans and occupying Korea for 36 years.

How many Japanese were killed by A-Bombs?

The majority of the estimated 80,000 dead were Japanese civilians. There were also Allied prisoners of war in one of the cities, and Koreans held as slave laborers.

How many Japanese soldiers died in hiroshima in World War 2?

20,000 of 80,000 killed in blast

How many Japanese and Americans died in the battle of Peleliu?

Americans - 1,794 killed / Japanese - 10,695 killed .

How many Japanese people were wounded at Pearl Harbor?

57 Japanese Were Killed

Who are the Japanese?

Technically speaking, the people who have Japanese nationality are the Japanese. There are many Koreans who reside in Japan. Though many of them have lived in Japan for a few generations, they reject obtaining Japanese nationality and maintain the status as foreigners. Some of them do not know that they are Korean until they are certain age.

How many Japanese were killed in nagasaki?


How many Japanese were killed from nuclear attack?

there were 150,000