Manila to Anchorage, Alaska is 5314 miles.
Anchorage, Alaska, USA - 1,961.1 square miles.
There are currently 18,154 students at the University of Alaska, Anchorage campus.
359 miles
88 miles
According to Google Maps, it is 3,108 miles from Anchorage, Alaska to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
About 61 road miles.
There are many dangers in Alaska, but mostly outside the population centers. Anchorage is considerably less dangerous than much of Southern California. However there are many sightings of moose in downtown Anchorage, and bears and wolves live all over the state.
The driving distance from Seattle, Washington to Anchorage, Alaska is about 2,360 miles.
There are 151 cities in Alaska. There are 151 cities in Alaska. Anchorage, Fairbanks an Juneau are the largest.
There are approximately 2788 miles between Anchorage, Alaska and the largest island of Hawaii. I checked on Google Earth.