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Q: How many Alfa Romeos are sold in Australia each year?
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What is the worlds worst car?

A Reliant Robin of course. What about the Trabant? Many people consider Alfa Romeos very unreliable.

How much does an Alfa Romeo spider cost in pounds?

There are many versions of Alfa Romeos that are sold under the name 'spider', everything from the classic 60's spider to the modern 946 spider. Even the classic spider was sold from '66-'93, but looking at £4-10k.

What is the plural for Romeo?

The plural is Romeos. I can't think you'd use it often--how many Romeos do you think there are?

How many money do tourist spend each year in Australia?

How many dollars do tourist spend each year in Australia ? 41 thousand

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How many people are born in Australia every year?

Approximately 300,000 to 400,000 babies are born in Australia each year.

How many wind turbines are in Australia?

In 2014, there were about 50 wind farms in the nation of Australia. Each wind farm has an average of about 20 turbines each. That means there are about 1,000 turbines in Australia.

How many people are addmitted to hospital each year in Australia?

Too many!

How many TVs sold in Australia?

Millioons each day

How many animals does RSPCA help each year Australia?

they get 144,000 animals each year

How many steradians in a sphere?

At first, let us define an angle in radians: Consider an arc of lenght L over an angle alfa in a circle with radius R. The angle alfa is defined as alfa=L/R [in radians]. Similarly, an stereo angle is defined in a sphere with radius R over an area S, and the stereo angle alfa is defined as: alfa=S/R^2 [in steradians]. The sphere has S=4.pi.R^2, so the corresponding angle of the sphere in steradians is alfa=S/R^2 alfa=4.pi.R^2/R^2 alfa=4.pi [steradians]

How many Chinese born students study in Australia?

14,000 Chinese students study in Australia each year