The distance between Nashville, Tennessee, and Vancouver, British Columbia, is approximately 2,400 miles. The average walking speed for a person is around 3-4 miles per hour. Therefore, it would take approximately 600-800 hours of continuous walking to travel from Nashville to Vancouver. This equates to roughly 25-33 days of non-stop walking, assuming no breaks or rest periods.
A flight from Sydney to Nashville would be about 19 hours. A flight from Perth would be around 23 hours.
A direct flight from Vancouver to Maui would be approximately 6 hours long.
about an hour depends on what part of nashville but from Manchester to downtown nashville would be hour to hour and half depending on traffic
That would depend on from where you are departing. If you are 125 miles from Vancouver, it would take you 1 hour. If you are 1000 miles away from Vancouver, it will take you 8 hours, driving non-stop.
By plane, it would take about 5 hours.
It would take you 28 hours
How long does it take to get to Montana from Vancouver, Canada Okay... why answer the question with a question? The real answer is... 611.3 miles in distance and it would take 9.9 hours to get there
I would guess 14.5 hours based on Vancouver/London = 9.30 and London/Cairo = 5
how long to ferry from seattle to vancouver canada
The flight would be 2 hours long.
A flight from Vancouver to Portland would take about 1 hour.
about 2 and 1/2 hours