The flight distance from Manila, Philippines to Singapore is 2390 kilometers or 1485 miles. The straight line distance is equivalent to 1291 nautical miles.
3,237 miles / 5,209 km
The flight time from Penang to Manila, Philippines is about 3 hours, 5 minutes.
the same both are GMT+8
Approx 3.5 hours.around 3 hours and thirty minutes around 3 hours and thirty minutes
The amount of time it takes to travel from Tokushima, Japan to Singapore by ship is 4 days, 8 hours and 25 minutes. The distance is 3,003 miles.
Properly engineered time from Hong Kong to Manila is instantaneous.
It takes about 15 days to go to Dubai from Singapore via ship. The sail time is longer than taking a flight which takes about 6 hours.
a little under 2 hours
Travel time from Singapore to the Maldivian capital of Male takes approximately 4 hours and 25 minutes. So I assume it would be the same time if travelling the same route in reverse.
Flights from Manila to Cebu take 1 hour and 10 minutes.
How long is the flight from singapore to perth and the time difference?
There are a number of sites and place to buy a Singapore travel guide and the places are Wiki Travel dot org, Time dot com, and Your Singapore. Another really good website is Tripadvisor.