New York, NY (NYC) to Mumbai (BOM)
Shortest Flight Duration 14 hours 50 mins
New York, NY (NYC) to Delhi (DEL)
Shortest Flight Duration 14 hours 0 mins
New York, NY (NYC) to Bangalore (BLR)
Shortest Flight Duration * 17 hours 10 mins * Via Frankfurt International Apt, Frankfurt (FRA)
New York, NY (NYC) to Chennai (MAA)
Shortest Flight Duration * 18 hours 30 mins * Via Dubai, Dubai (DXB)
New York to India ia about 18 to 20 hours flying time excluding stop over time. The duration depends on the city in India you are flying to.
The flight time from New York to California is about 5.5 hours.
The flight from Calgary to New York is 5 hours long.
On average, a flight from England to New York is 7 hours.
New York - London 7:00 London - New York 8:00
A flight from Virginia to New York would take about one hour.
The flight time from New York, New York to Australia is:21 hours, 46 minutes
The flight would be 5 hours long.
The flight time from New York, New York to Lisbon, Portugal is: 7 hours, 15 minutes
A flight from Virginia to New York would take about one hour.
The flight would be 3 hours long.
The flight from New York to Glasgow, Scotland is approximately 3,330 miles (5,357 kilometers) long.
It takes about 12 hours