The flight from Melbourne to Islamabad is 14 hours long.
The Sunshine Coast is just north of Brisbane, Australia. A flight between Melbourne and the Sunshine Coast takes about 2 hours and 18 minutes. Driving there would take about 19 hours.
7 hours 18 minutes
About 2 Hours The distance between Adelaide and the Gold Coast is approx 2100km
The flight time from Christchurch to Melbourne is three hours.
The flight time from Christchurch to Melbourne is three hours.
The flight form Melbourne to Launceston takes 33 minutes.
A flight from Melbourne, Australia to Mauritius is 10 hours and 59 minutes long. The distance covered by the flight would be 5,243 miles.
Flight time from Beirut, Lebanon to Melbourne is 17 hours, 8 minutes.
The flight time from Melbourne to Vanuatu is 4 hours.
How Far is it From Adelaide to The Gold Coast?
8 hrs flying time if direct.