A one-way flight from Los Angeles (LAX) to Bora Bora (BOB) takes 11 hours and 6 minutes.
Flight one: LAX to PPT on Air Tahiti Nui 7 takes 8 hours and 36 minutes. Miles: 4113
Layover at PPT for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Flight two: PPT to BOB on Air Tahiti Nui 402 takes 50 minutes. Miles: 161
Total Miles: 4274
Total Price: $2115 per ticket
The flight time from Las Vegas, US to Bora Bora in French Polynesia is approximately 8 hours and 44 minutes.
The total distance is approximately 7000.96 km or 4350 miles.
This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
A typical flight between Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Bora Bora would have a flying time of about 21 hours, 12 minutes.
It's approximately 14.5 hours. You have to fly from Toronto to Los Angeles (5 hours), Los Angeles to Papeete (8.5 hours) then Papeete to Bora Bora (1 hr).
The distance from Los Angeles, CA to Bora Bora is 4,109 miles. Nonstop flights are not available, and flights normally take 16 hours 40 minutes, or more.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Bora Bora (BOB)Shortest Flight Duration * 11 hours 10 mins * Via Papeete, Papeete (PPT)
A flight from Wilmington to Los Angeles takes 4 hours.
A flight from Los Angeles to Amesterdam is 11 hours and 8 minutes
A flight from Los Angeles to Bali takes 17 hours and 15 minutes
The flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne is approximately 14.5 - 15 hours depending on the weather.
The flight would be 18 hours long.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Bora Bora (BOB)Shortest Flight Duration * 11 hours 10 mins * Via Papeete, Papeete (PPT)
The flight would be 14 hours long.
A long time. lol. You cannot find flights from Honolulu to Bora Bora without taking 2 connections. You would connect in Los Angeles and then Papeete. The actual flying time is approximately 14 hrs 30 minutes. This does not include the waiting time for connection flights. You would need to add another 4-5 hours to that.