The flight time from Sydney in Australia to the nearest airport in South Africa (you did not provide an exact location) is approximately 14 hours and 18 minutes.
This is only an approximation. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, delays and refuelling stops. Your airline can provide additional information through customer service or their website.
The flight time from Perth to Johannesburg (South African Airways) is 12 hours.
From Melbourne to Johannesburg (V Australia) is 15 hours.
And the flight time from Sydney to Johannesburg (Qantas) is 13:35 hours.
The reason the Sydney flight is shorter is that Qantas use Boeing 747-400 on that route, not only do they fly faster but have four engines and are allowed to fly further south than V Australia.
SAA operates Airbus A340-200/300e/600 aircraft on the Perth route. Because they have four engines they are also allowed further south.
Actual Qantas scheduled times are 11h55min (from Sydney to Johannesburg) and 14h25min (from Johannesburg to Sydney)
Approx 14 hours
Sydney to Darwin flight time is about 4.1 hoursand The flight distance is 3146 km.
A flight from Wisconsin to Sydney takes 18 hours.
It would take about 14 and a half hours.
Around four and a half hours.
The flight from Perth to Sydney takes about 5 hours
It will take about 18 hours.
21 hours
how long is a flight between Johannesburg to brisbane?
A direct flight would take about 19.5hrs.
A typical flight between Sydney, Australia and Quito, Ecuador would have a flying time of about 16 hours, 55 minutes.
19 hours