Tokyo (TYO) to Chicago, IL (CHI)
Shortest Flight Duration 11 hours 20 mins
The distance between Chicago and Tokyo is 6314 miles (10161 km).
The flight time from Tokyo, Japan to Narita, Japan is:34 minutes
A typical flight between Narita, Japan and JFK would have a flying time of about 13 hours, 29 minutes.
24 Hours is about as short as you can get according to flightlookup.com. You have to connect through Chicago and Narita, Japan.
The flight time is 12 hours, 41 minutes.
3hr 55min to 4hr 15min Manila (MNL) to Tokyo Narita (NRT) by a nonstop flight operated by Northwest Airlines, Philippine Airlines or Japan Airlines.
11hr 10min Auckland (AKL) to Tokyo Narita (NRT) by a nonstop flight operated by Air New Zealand.
Chicago, IL (CHI) to Tokyo (TYO)Shortest Flight Duration 12 hours 55 mins
Flight time estimates about 12 hours and 35 minutes from London Hearthrow to Tokyo Narita Int'l Airport.
11hr 35min to 11hr 55min London Heathrow (LHR) to Tokyo Narita (NRT) by a nonstop flight operated by ANA, British Airways or Virgin Atlantic.
7hr 35min Tokyo Narita (NRT) to Kuala Lumpur (KUL) by a nosntop flight operated by Malaysia Airlines.
A direct flight from NYC to Chicago will take about 2 hours.