The Distance between Des Moines (Iowa,Polk County,US) and Atlanta (Georgia,Fulton County,US) is : 739.74 miles (1190.5 kilometers) (km).
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
A typical flight from Denver to Des Moines is about 1 hour and 13 minutes.
925 miles according to google maps. According to map quest there are 904.09 miles between Atlanta GA and Des Moines IA.
The capital of the state of Iowa is Des Moines. It is a fairly large city (city population 200,000, metro area 500,000).
Iowa City. They supposeably moved it to Des Moines because Des Moines is more in the "middle" of Iowa.
Des Moines is the capital and I want to know what Des Moines means
it would take 8 hours and 22 minutes
Des Moines is in Iowa and about 1500 miles from Oregon.
One can book a flight from Des Moines, Iowa to Dalaman, Turkey through Expedia, Orbitz, Book It and Priceline. One may also book this flight at CheapOair, United Vacations and Booking Buddy.
Des Moines is the capital and the most populous city in Iowa.
Des Moines, Iowa is the largest city in the state.