The drive from Noosa to Mackay is approximately 10 hours and 13 minutes long. The actual distance covered is 869.3 km.
From Townsville to Mackay is a distance of 390km and takes around five hours to drive.
It takes just over four and a half hours to drive from Mackay to Gladstone. The distance is 442 km.
The road distance between Mackay and Bundaberg is 623 km. Ttavel time is around 7.5 hours.
Mackay to Cairns
It takes around ten hours to drive from Brisbane to Mackay if one drives without breaks. Realistically, it is too far to travel in one day.
Coolum State High School was created in 1984.
Mount Coolum National Park was created in 1990.
The motto of Coolum State High School is 'Care and Respect'.
The area of Mount Coolum National Park is 690,000.0 square meters.
The driving distance between Airlie Beach and Mackay is 149km. It is about a two-hour drive.