The time will vary depending on the departure and arrival city. Phoenix, AZ (PHX) to Boston, MA (BOS) Shortest Flight Duration 4 hours 52 mins
Departure point: Boston, Massachusetts
Destination point: Arizona, United States
Estimated flight duration: 4 hours, 40 minutes
36 hours approximately
You fly an aeroplane; you don't drive it.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
2,559.1 miles total
No. It is located in Phoenix, Arizona.
It is 2.636.65 miles according to MapQuest.
Yes Arizona does participate in the National Drivers Registry. There are only 5 states that were not participating in NDR, Massachusetts, Michigan, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
Yes. Currently, four. Arizona, California, Massachusetts and New York.
Not long if you are in Blythe, California.
About 30 minutes.
Hike to Fossil Creek Arizona
It is a beautiful 240 mile drive.