The flight time from Atlanta, Georgia to Christchurch, New Zealand is: 17 hours, 14 minutes
about 1 hour and 20 minutes for a direct flight
It is usually about 3hrs 05mins(Emirates & Jetstar), and 3hrs with Air New Zealand.
The flight time from Christchurch to Melbourne is three hours.
The flight time from Christchurch to Melbourne is three hours.
The flight times varies according to the speed of the flight. If the flight is flying at a faster speed then the times may change. We are providing you with standard flight timings. The flight time for the above mentioned trip is.2hours39 mins
The flight time from Christchurch to Thailand is twelve hours and eleven minutes.
The flight time from Christchurch to Honolulu is nine hours and forty-one minutes.
The flight time from Christchurch to Santiago is eleven hours and thirty-six minutes.
The flight time from Christchurch to Phuket is eleven hours and thirty-eight minutes.
Christchurch (CHC) to Singapore (SIN)Shortest Flight Duration 10 hours 55 mins
3 hours