You may have to file with the court once you realize you have completed the contract for paying child support.
you have to pay child support as long as your child is under 18 years of age
Review your state laws, separation agreement and child support order for the term of the child support.Review your state laws, separation agreement and child support order for the term of the child support.Review your state laws, separation agreement and child support order for the term of the child support.Review your state laws, separation agreement and child support order for the term of the child support.
There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.
As long as she is a minor he has. Child support is not paid to the child but to one of the parents to be used for the child.
In the state of Nebraska, you will have to pay child support under your child reaches 18 years of age. Once they turn 18, you should make sure that your child will not need more support but you are not required by law to help them.
If it is arrears of support then there is no limitation of time if you owed it you must pay. However going forward child support stops when the child becomes an adult.
Each state is different, there is a possibility that child support would have to be paid until the child is 24 as long as the child is in college. Some states it is 21.
That is dependent on the the specific wording of the court order, or state laws.
You can file in the state where the child lives, however if the father never lived there, the state has no long arm jurisdiction on the father, so you will need to file in his state.
Montana became a state on November 8, 1889. The capital of Montana is Helena, and the state flower is the bitterroot.
That depends on how efficient the child support system is in your State/county and whether the father has any income to speak of.