The distance from Seoul, South Korea, to Manila, Philippines, is 1,622 air miles. That equals 2,610 kilometers or 1,410 nautical miles.
A typical flight from Seoul, South Korea to Cebu, Philippines takes about 3 hours and 46 minutes.
The flight distance from London to Seoul, South Korea is about 5,530 miles.
The flight time from Hong Kong to Seoul, South Korea is: 3 hours, 6 minutes
The flight distance from Seoul, South Korea to Melbourne is 5312 miles.
The flight time from Atlanta, Georgia to Seoul, South Korea is: 14 hours, 45 minutes
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Seoul, South Korea is 6,546 miles.
The flight distance from Memphis, Tennessee to Seoul, South Korea is 6894 miles / 11095 kms.
No, Seoul is the capital of south Korea No, Seoul is the capital of south Korea
Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
Flight:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Flight Duration 12 hours 45Distance:The distance between Los Angeles, California and Seoul, South Korea is 5956 miles (9585 km).
The flight distance from Seoul, South Korea to Anchorage, Alaska is about 3,780 miles.
Seoul is located in South Korea. Seoul is also the capital.