The distance from Los Angeles to Washington D is 3701 kilometers or 2300 miles only.A typical flight between Los Angeles, and Washington D would have a flying time of about 5 hours. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/hr or 434 knots. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.
around 5 hours, you can use Google for that, but if you figure it out mathmaticly, they are 2282 miles apart, and the average speed of a airliner is 500, divide 2282 by 500, that should show it.
A typical flight between Washington, DC and Los Angeles, CA would have a flying time of about 4 hours, 36 minutes.
A flight from Wilmington to Los Angeles takes 4 hours.
A flight from Los Angeles to Amesterdam is 11 hours and 8 minutes
A flight from Los Angeles to Bali takes 17 hours and 15 minutes
The flight distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Los Angeles, California is:2,299 miles / 3,700 km
The flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne is approximately 14.5 - 15 hours depending on the weather.
The flight would be 18 hours long.
The flight would be 14 hours long.
A direct flight from Anchorage, Alaska to Los Angeles, California is approximately 4 hours, 41 minutes.
The flight distance from Seattle, Washington to Los Angeles International Airport is 965 miles.
2 hours
About 7 hours.