The shortest flight from Tennessee to Chile takes about 12 hours. The flight can take as long as 21 hours depending on layovers.
A flight from Minneapolis to Chile takes 10 hours and 42 minutes.
The flight is about 2 hours.
11 hours
the flight is about 21 hours from Australia to France!
just 2 hours...........
From London to Santiago, Chile it takes between 17 and 18 hours.
flying qantas via auckland takes aprox 16 hours . the return flight is about 18 hours 15 mins
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Chile would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 16 minutes.
With a connection in Panama City, the flight is one minute less than 13 hours between JFK and Santiago, Chile.
A flight from Darwin, Australia to Cairns, Australia is 2 hours.
The flight is about 14-15 hours long