Crete is part of Greece, timezone GMT+0200, i.e. 2 hours later than London, 1 hour later than Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin.
9 years
The flight time from Manchester, United Kingdom to Crete is 4 hours, 10 minutes.
Crete has one setterler,the minoans.They were small people with bronze skin and long dark hair.Maby Crete had other settelers but the one that we know more about is the Minoan civilization!Maria
From London to Athens is 3 hours 30 minutes. From Athens to Crete is 50-60 minutes.
Crete is still called Crete.
The address of the Crete Bicentennial Society Crete Nebraska is: 13Th And Redwood, Crete, NE 68333
Departure point: United KingdomDestination point: Crete, GreeceEstimated flight duration: 4 hours, 6 minutes
the civilization developed on the island of Crete
The Name Of The Long Greek Island Is Mediterranean sea
60 billion hours
i think maybe 203-80miles
Roughly 4 hours